Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 91: Pondering Life Plans at Corner Bakery

A work/study/read session at Corner Bakery with dearest friends got me thinking, more than usual these days, about what I'm to do with myself. I've been brushing up by reading English Literature texts from college and Education texts from grad school in hopes that I can go into the next school year (thus hopefully my 2nd year of teaching) well-prepared in terms of content and theory. In order for that to be of use, though, I'd need to successfully secure a teaching position for 2011-12. Thoroughly enjoyed my first year of teaching, and I've noticed that any time someone brings up the subject of the classroom, I feel my heart light up and a passion rush through my veins (corny, but true). Cannot wait to get back into the high school classroom.

At the same time, all this reading of college texts got me thinking about going to school again to pursue Educational research, spend several months in Pakistan for field research and practice. But inevitably, that thought melts away into the far future as I imagine my parents inwardly (half-inwardly?) cringing at the thought of my leaving again for another few years while another elephant-in-the-room "needs prioritization" (one guess as to what that 'elephant' is). Note, however, that the educational pursuit plan remains, albeit in the far future.

In the meantime, I await 2011 with open arms. Wide open arms. I'd hug 2011 as a long-lost relative and bearer of good news if it were only tangible.

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